0477183355 info@santechnologies.com.au

Digital Marketing

SEO in the online world has achieved great reputation nowadays. Since the business does not have an identity if it’s not recognized by Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and other. However the greater customer engagement with the online trend compels the businesses to be recognized and ranked by Search Engine, it gives birth to the growth of SEO in web world.

Search Engine Optimization

4+ Years of Expertise. We are into this industry for the last 4 years and optimized more than 100 websites. Hence, we are well aware of the best SEO practices to be applied to your website and get you the 1st-page results in Google as early as possible.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Google PPC advertising by San Technologies is a superior method of internet advertising that will increase your visibility online, as well as increase traffic to your website. This form of advertising is highly successful due to the precision targeting that we employ.

Social Media Marketing

San Technologies looks at the needs of your business in order to determine the best strategies for your social media activities. We look not only at your business but the competition, as well as the communities that already exist, to see what the ideal strategy would be for you.

San Technologies’s social media marketing services are focused on putting your company in a better position to tap into the two-way conversation naturally happening between you and your customers. Our services are designed to show you where people are talking about you, the areas where you can best get involved, and the tactics you should use to help increase brand awareness.

Software recommendations: If there are hundreds of SEO tools, there are thousands more social media tools due to the explosion of open source software and a larger audience. Finding tools to track performance, opportunities, management and more can be daunting. We can help narrow your choices based on budget, resources and environments.

Social media audit: This audit analyzes in depth your site’s presence across the various social networks and offers a strategy for ways to improve it. Not every site should have a place on Digg or Instagram, so we cater our suggestions to realistic options, including niche opportunities and relevant mainstream tactics.

IT Staffing and Cover

We can provide flexible, fast IT resources for emergencies, upgrade projects, helpdesk cover or to increase productivity of your own IT department or service desk.

You can use our services to cover holidays, sickness, maternity leave, project work and other ad-hoc needs.

  • Holiday Cover

    If you need holiday cover, our support team can provide both onsite and off-site IT support. Our team of support technicians will fit in with your schedule.

  • Absence Cover

    We can provide onsite, unlimited telephone and remote support should you require absence cover at short notice.

  • Project work

    Sometimes IT Managers need assistance with projects and upgrades. We can provide IT consultation and can also undertake full scale projects on your behalf.