0477183355 info@santechnologies.com.au

New PC / Laptop setup package

Setting up a new laptop can be a daunting task. I can help with the process to ensure that no important data is lost if transferring from an old pc.

Register and set up user accounts

  • Set up required user accounts
  • log on to email

Installing new devices

  • Set up a router
  • Add a new printer and connect to wifi
  • Add an External hard drive

Managing PC Protection Software

  • Install anti-virus software – free or paying
  • Schedule regular virus checks
  • Cookie Cleaner software

New Mobile / Tablet setup package

Helping you setup your new mobile seamlessly and making sure you don’t lose any of your data from your old mobile for example

Switching on your mobile/tablet

  • Setting up your email to ensure the phone is backed up and synced.
  • Turning on/off notifications / wifi / Bluetooth with a shortcut
  • Adding new contacts

Transferring contacts / pictures

  • Saving pictures from your old mobile either to a PC or your new mobile
  • Easily transferring your existing contacts to your new mobile

Setting up Apps

  • What apps do you need on your mobile?
  • Understanding how to download them.
  • Do they cost money?

PC Health check package

Most computer problems could be avoided if regular maintenance was carried out. However, most people wait until their computer fails before addressing these issues. A regular health check for your computer cleans things up and will optimise the performance.

PC Backups

  • How regularly does your PC get backed up. Where is the data saved to.
  • Do you back up to the cloud?
  • What is backed up – data/ pictures

Anti-Virus software

  • Have you got anti-virus software installed and working. Do you pay for the software?
  • Is your pc set up for scheduled virus checking. What happens if a virus is found?

Improving PC Performance

  • Checking for unnecessary files – cookies etc and removing them
  • Defragmenting your pc drive

Bi-annual computer/mobile health check

A six monthly health check on all the computers / mobiles in your household.

Checking backups are up-to-date

  • Are the computer backups running regularly and successfully
  • Has your mobile / tablet been backed up recently

Upgrade Software where necessary

  • Is your mobile due an update
  • Have all patches that are available been applied to your computer

Computer / Mobile Syncing

  • Pictures
  • Contacts etc

Website Maintanence

  • Keeping your website up to date with any changes as and when required
  • Fixing of any issues or resolving bugs.

Home Network setup package

Setting up a new router etc.

Setting up a new router

  • Setting up your wifi network
  • Adding all devices to the network

Setting up TP-Link network

  • If you can’t connect directly to your router then you can use TP-Link plugs to set up a network via your house mains.

Setting up a new printer

  • Setting up the printer on wifi
  • Connecting to the printer from your mobile or tablet and printing to it

Social media and setting it up

Facebook / Instagram / Twitter setup

Creating a Facebook Account

  • Setting up a facebook account. Finding friends and adding them.
  • Turning off unnecessary notifications
  • Ensuring only your friends can see your profile. When you set up facebook initially then anyone can see your profile, you can easily change the setting so that only your friends can see everything.

Understanding twitter

  • Do you need to use twitter
  • Setting up an account and linking it with your other social media accounts
  • What should you tweet about
  • How do you follow people

Setting up a Blog

  • What is a blog and how do you set it up.
  • How to get people following your blog /vlog